Aava Mobile Oy receives award as the Oulu Export Company of the year 2015
The city of Oulu has awarded Aava Mobile Oy as the Oulu Export Company of the year 2015. Aava is a leading technology company in Oulu area for mobile devices since 2009. Company managed within few years to become one of the leading supplier for professional mobile devices.
In 2015 99,65% of 24.3 mio Euro revenue was coming from export. Key markets were North America, Japan and Western Europe generating around 80% of revenue in 2015.
Aava product offering includes customer-specific handheld and tablets as well as roadmap products. Key for the team is work with partners and customers to address the specific needs of vertical markets.
One of the key assets of Oulu is smartphone and wireless experience which is now mandatory for innovating the professional handheld and tablet market with sleek, light and robust designs.
Company rapid growth will continue also in 2016 and 2017 doubling revenue every year according to the todays projections and plans.
Aava will invest into new products and areas focusing on point of sales and payment offering being key markets for future growth and expand into new territories to become global player.
It will also require grow of employee number, the team today consists of 71 people in Oulu and 78 people globally (it is around 10 people more within last 4 months).